How to write complaints: “Dear customer service, first of all, you should know that I am typing this with my middle finger.” Posted on2 months ago2 months ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppHow to write complaints: “Dear customer service, first of all, you should know that I am typing this with my middle finger.” Related Funny Quotes 🤝 Petition to allow customer service employees to fight at least one customer per day. I would like to thank my middle finger for always sticking up for me when I needed it. Don’t wait until you’re on your death bed to let them know how you feel. You may be too weak to raise your middle finger. Every time someone tries to fight with me online, a middle finger gets its wings. AI is trained on what we write, so if we want to save our jobs we should all write really badly for a while. I’ve been doing my bit for years.