I autograph every hotel Bible I find with “Best wishes, JC”. Posted on5 months ago5 months ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsApp#i #autograph #every #hotel #bible #i #find #with #best #wishes #jc #funnyquote #funnyquotes Related Funny Quotes 🤝 I hate when people stare at me and don’t say anything. I mean, if you want an autograph or a picture just ask. At no single point in the Bible does it tell you not to sell drugs. A man outside Boots told me that Jesus died for my sins. Thanks for spoiling the end of the Bible. I was only up to the bit with the fish. The free hotel blow-dryer should be easier to get off the bathroom wall. Some days you feel like a hotel light. You’re there, but you don’t have enough energy to really do anything.