Thunder is fake. It doesn’t even sync up properly with lightning. There’s some guy who waits till he sees lightning and then he presses the thunder button.

Thunder is fake. It doesn’t even sync up properly with lightning. There’s some guy who waits till he sees lightning and then he presses the thunder button.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • God knew I would be too powerful if I had conversation skills.
  • Just once I’d like to buy a house plant that didn’t have the lifespan of a soap bubble.
  • A good man is hard to find, but a babysitter for Friday night is harder.
  • I’m the kind of crazy you weren’t warned about because no one knew this level existed.
  • Thinking of becoming the “where’s my hug” guy in prison.
  • No matter how busy my Sunday gets, I always manage to set aside time to panic about Monday.