Drinking at home is convenient, sure, but it’s nothing like the experience of leaving the pub feeling fifty bucks lighter.

Drinking at home is convenient, sure, but it’s nothing like the experience of leaving the pub feeling fifty bucks lighter.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • My 3 weeks without sweets were over after 12 hours. Proof that time runs faster with increasing age.
  • I’m not super into getting older but I do like how nobody asks me to help them move anymore.
  • I’m super lazy today. It’s like normal lazy but I’m wearing a cape.
  • I wish I was a kid again so everyone would be proud of me for taking a long nap.
  • Not to brag but I don’t even need meditation, my mind goes blank the second someone asks me for directions.
  • I think something’s missing in my life… Like… 2-3 million dollars.