I hope this email punches you square in the face. Posted on9 hours ago9 hours ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppCommentary:"Whoa there, email! Watch out for those sharp corners! 😂💥💻 #EmailsWithAttitude" #i #hope #this #email #punches #you #square #in #the #face #funnyquote #funnyquotes Related Funny Quotes 🤝 When I write “I hope this email finds you well” I’m referring to the email’s skills in tracking you down. “Hope this email finds you doing well!” The email found me, therefore I am unwell. In hell, you wait for a ‘verify your email address’ email that never arrives. Me, waiting on an email: What the hell is taking so long, this is ridiculous. Me, sending an email: this can probably wait another three weeks or so. Fun fact: The confetti you’ll see in Times Square tonight was made from one CVS receipt.