I no longer need an alarm clock because I’m over 40 and have a bladder. Posted on3 days ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppCommentary:Who needs an alarm clock when nature's calling, right? 🚽⏰ Age comes with its own wake-up call! 🤣 #GettingOldBeLike Related Funny Quotes 🤝 I changed my alarm clock sound to an applause, it’s the least I deserve for waking up at 7am. The best thing about living with my parents is being woken up four minutes before my alarm to be told my alarm is about to go off. Sleeping in now means waking up without the alarm clock, but still at the same time. I never oversleep in the mornings. I set an alarm and a back-up alarm. Plus, there’s also a noisy kid once those fail. There’s nothing better than knowing that you don’t have to set an alarm clock for the next day.