How did they get kids to pose for oil paintings? Mine won’t sit still for 4 seconds for a family photo. Posted on3 months ago3 months ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppHow did they get kids to pose for oil paintings? Mine won’t sit still for 4 seconds for a family photo. Related Funny Quotes 🤝 The police sent me a photo radar ticket so I sent them a photo of a hundred dollars, so I guess we’re even. I don’t understand baby oil. What are we greasing up all those babies for? We need to stop telling AI that it’s paintings are bad. That’s how Hitler got started. Let’s take a family trip in this beautiful weather so the kids can complain about family, trips, and beautiful weather that has no wifi. Not to brag, but my best yoga pose is awkward facing dog.