I am a person who wants to get a lot done, trapped in the body of a person who wants to sleep in and take naps at times.

I am a person who wants to get a lot done, trapped in the body of a person who wants to sleep in and take naps at times.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • “AI is coming for your jobs”. I’d like to see AI show up drunk on Fridays and sexually harass my coworkers.
  • When I find it, I don’t need it. When I need it, I can’t find it.
  • If an alien is 60 million light years away and is watching us through a telescope, it will see dinosaurs.
  • How did the person who invented the spelling of “banana” decide when to stop?
  • My Facebook friends are like my pen collection. I have 100 but only one writes.
  • Can someone call my keys? I forgot where I put them.