I woke up deciding to incorporate the parkour lifestyle into my daily life then reconsidered as I fell over again putting my jeans on.

I woke up deciding to incorporate the parkour lifestyle into my daily life then reconsidered as I fell over again putting my jeans on.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • Bit strange that the same culture is responsible for both kissing and onion soup. You’d think they’d be incompatible.
  • I watched a woman clean her whole house on YouTube today, in case you thought I lacked ambition.
  • If my neighbors would just talk a little louder I could follow along with their conversation, but no. Rude.
  • I followed a diet but it didn’t follow me back, so I unfollowed it.
  • Naps are tricky. Either you wake up relaxed and refreshed, or you have a headache, a dry throat and no idea what year it is.
  • Why would I work from home when I don’t even work from work?