The way time stretches between the moment you put your hands under the air dryer and the realization it is in fact a paper towel dispenser.

The way time stretches between the moment you put your hands under the air dryer and the realization it is in fact a paper towel dispenser.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • You’d seriously think I was wanted for murder by the way I react when someone knocks on the door.
  • My brain has too many tabs open.
  • I was once told that if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Due to this, I’ve been observing a vow of silence since 1997.
  • Asked my therapist who their therapist was and went to see them. Asked them the same thing until I got to the final boss therapist and defeated them with my trainwreck of a life.
  • I read all your bumper stickers and now we’re both stupid.
  • You’re so productive for your wage.