A tip for your next salary negotiation: simply tell your boss “either I get a pay rise or I go out and tell everyone I got one!”

A tip for your next salary negotiation: simply tell your boss "either I get a pay rise or I go out and tell everyone I got one!"

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • Why are so many people going everywhere whenever I have to go anywhere?
  • I don’t always clear my calculator, but when I do, I hit both C and CE a bunch of times because I don’t know exactly what they do.
  • Every person you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Make it worse by asking if they’re drinking enough water.
  • I want to be so rich that when I see a spider in my house I won’t kill it, I’d buy another house.
  • I always thought orthopaedic shoes were overrated, but I stand corrected.
  • Wake me when AI does housework.