Ever read something so magnificently stupid that you have to just stare into space for a little while and reconcile with your brain for having been subjected to it?

Ever read something so magnificently stupid that you have to just stare into space for a little while and reconcile with your brain for having been subjected to it?

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • Not to brag, but I can trip over things that aren’t even there!
  • When people give me directions and they’re like “you can’t miss it,” I’m like, “Oh, you do not know what I’m capable of.”
  • When God created the giraffe, he probably slipped with the mouse on the screen. This is how its neck was created.
  • I’m not a fan of camping, if I wanted to sleep outside I wouldn’t pay my mortgage.
  • Just be good and kind to your children. Not only are they the future of the world, they’re the ones who can sign you into a home.
  • One of the top features of squirrels, for me, has got to be that squirreliness.