Hate when you’re trying to take a nap and the dentist is all “Please open your mouth.” Posted on2 days ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppCommentary:"Trying to catch some Z's but the dentist is out here ruining nap time vibes like 🦷🛌😂 #NapInterrupted" Related Funny Quotes 🤝 Only a fool would use the toothbrush the dentist gives you. You think the dentist would freely hand you the tools that would keep them away? Dentist appointments are so weird. “Hi, nice to meet you, could you root around in my mouth for a bit?” If you have an opinion about my life, please raise your hand. Now put it over your mouth. I absolutely hate being woken from a nap. There were other treadmills in the gym that dude could have used. Why does the dentist have to take an x-ray of my teeth? They right there, bro!