I was very disappointed when I found out drinking alcohol doesn’t actually kill brain cells, I was hoping to join a political party one day.

I was very disappointed when I found out drinking alcohol doesn’t actually kill brain cells, I was hoping to join a political party one day.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • If you want to impress me with your car, it better be a food truck.
  • Dear food, either stop being so delicious or stop making me fat.
  • Tai Chi is so crazy because it’s like throwing a slow motion tantrum.
  • The Playstation is broken and the child has noticed that I live here too.
  • My doctor told me to eat more Taco Bell. Well, he actually said “less McDonald’s”, but I’m pretty sure I know what he meant.
  • The universe consists of 5% protons, 5% neutrons, 5% electrons, and 85% morons.