I’m so old, I still keep special moments in my heart and not in my Insta story. Posted on1 week ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppCommentary:"Back in my day, we captured memories with hearts, not hashtags! 💖 Who needs Insta fame when you've got a heart full of special moments, am I right? 📸 #NostalgicHeart" Related Funny Quotes 🤝 My life is just a series of awkward moments separated by snacks. That moment when you’ve gone through Insta, Facebook, X and the new emails and you know you should start working now. Luckily, there’s YouTube. I say “long story short” and then tell the story with bonus features. If I like you I keep you close, if not I keep you at a distance so I can mime squishing your head between my thumb and forefinger. You should get one IG story in addition to your one phone call when you’re arrested.