People say “go big or go home” like going home is a bad thing. Heck yeah, I want to go home, and I’ll have a nap when I get there.

People say "go big or go home" like going home is a bad thing. Heck yeah, I want to go home, and I'll have a nap when I get there.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • Opinions are like air fryers. Everyone’s got one and they won’t stop banging on about them.
  • Me: Maybe it’s the weed talking but your apartment seems enormous. IKEA Manager: Sir.
  • Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.
  • Some people get a bit strange as they get older. Not me. I’ve always been like that!
  • I pretend I don’t care about stuff, but that’s only because I have no idea what’s going on around me at any given time.
  • I have a huge to-do list, I just have to figure out who’s gonna do it.