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Funny Quotes About apple
- An apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enough.
- Why did the apple go to the doctor? It wasn't peeling well.
- I told an apple a joke, but it couldn't stop laughing - it was a rot-funny pun.
- Apples don't fall far from the tree, unless it's a windstorm.
- When life gives you apples, make apple pie and eat it all in one sitting.
- An apple was feeling down, so I told it to look on the bright cider.
- I tried to make an apple smoothie, but it just wasn't blendin' well.
- Apple jokes are a-peeling to me.
- I saw an apple and an orange arguing - things got fruity.
- Why did the apple break up with the banana? It couldn't find the a-peel.
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a chocolate bar brings them closer.
- My doctor told me to eat an apple before bed - I guess he's into apple-tisers.
- I asked my apple tree for financial advice - it suggested to branch out.
- Why did the apple turn red? It saw the teacher gra(y)ping.
- I saw an apple on the highway - it was trying to get to the Big Apple.
- I told my friend that apples can fly - they didn’t believe me until they saw the apple turnover.
- I tried to make a car out of apples, but it wouldn't run - it kept stalling.
- An apple was feeling mushy - I guess it had a soft core.
- I told an apple tree a secret, but it kept it under wraps.
- I entered an apple pie contest, but was disqualified for having a pie-ce of cake hidden in it.
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