I’m sick of getting woken up at 6am by the bin men. I just want a nice sleep but they always insist that I get out of the bin before they collect it.

I’m sick of getting woken up at 6am by the bin men. I just want a nice sleep but they always insist that I get out of the bin before they collect it.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • It’s important to set an alarm the first day of school, so you remember to pick up the kids.
  • How do I un-know people?
  • I have entirely too many new bruises for someone who isn’t getting laid.
  • Most insane people live outside of madhouses.
  • I’m gonna start cursing people out but with biblical phrases like I hope your crops wither and bear no fruit and the ravens eat your mustard seeds.
  • If you watch soccer backwards, it’s about 11 sad and 11 happy men who nag each other until they get along eventually.