Petition to bring back payphones in public places. I don’t want to give my kid a phone, I want to give him a quarter. Posted on1 day ago1 day ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppFunny quote: Petition to bring back payphones in public places. I don’t want to give my kid a phone, I want to give him a quarter. Related Funny Quotes 🤝 Adulting means growing hair in places you’re not supposed to and losing hair in places you don’t want to. If you want your kid to play with their toy just give it to your other kid. Follow me for more parenting hacks. Missionary, so I can look him in the eyes and ask him why Ashley from work is texting him with heart eyes. If the interviewer doesn’t think it’s cool when you pull a quarter out of his ear, the job wasn’t good enough for you anyways. Science can’t explain it, but some hairs can grow up to a quarter inch overnight. Never in a good spot though.