Some days you just feel like a hotel microwave. You’re here, but you don’t have enough power to actually do anything.

Some days you just feel like a hotel microwave. You’re here, but you don’t have enough power to actually do anything.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • HR: “Please complete our anonymous survey.” My boss then later: “Don’t forget the survey, HR said you are the last one from our team.”
  • On Halloween, I’ll be handing out full size bars of really bad advice. Only while supplies last.
  • Shorts should be half the price of pants.
  • “It’s bikini season,” I whisper, eating another bikini.
  • Men tell you “I know a place” and bring you to the brink of madness.
  • I hope I don’t die of something stupid like old age, I want a piano to fall on my head.