Everyone is using AI to write business emails, texts, etc. At this point in time, we may as well just tell our AIs to talk to each other and then let us know what kind of deal they worked out.

Everyone is using AI to write business emails, texts, etc. At this point in time, we may as well just tell our AIs to talk to each other and then let us know what kind of deal they worked out.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • I already want to take a nap tomorrow.
  • Standing on a scale and thinking: so much wisdom and inner beauty can’t be light.
  • If you don’t fall in love with me, I’ll write poetry about you and then you’ll regret it.
  • Babies first steal your glasses and then bite your nose. I don’t know where they get their reputation.
  • I just sneezed next to my computer and the anti-virus popped up.
  • My watch battery is fully charged. So I got some time.