Remember when you were a kid, you slept on the couch and without saying anything you found yourself in your bed. Now you sleep in your bed and if you say anything, you end up on the couch.

Remember when you were a kid, you slept on the couch and without saying anything you found yourself in your bed. Now you sleep in your bed and if you say anything, you end up on the couch.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • My dog is quite vain. Whenever the doorbell rings, he thinks it’s for him.
  • I should have been a Librarian, my favorite thing to do is telling people to shut up.
  • This bouncer’s lucky I’m with my lady and physically frightened of him or he’d be in a world of pain.
  • I love diss tracks because it’s basically two dudes going, “grr, we hate each other so much we’re going to take turns writing increasingly personalized poetry!”
  • Delightful if true: booby trap.
  • Never lie to Indian girls. That red dot be recording everything.